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Emerald - Staking Dapp With $180k In TVL In 48h

Designing, developing, and launching a staking and reward platform.

Taiboku Capital, Erik Ramos Paice
Staking, Social Farming
UX/UI Design, Smart Contracts, Frontend & Backend Development, Social API's

This bold team is democratizing the access to the luxury emerald industry, giving everyone the opportunity to participate in this lucrative market, all the way from the mining of the emeralds to their commercialization worlwide.

In just one month, their vision was transformed into reality: a fully developed staking Dapp with $180k in TVL in the first 48h, and a reward mechanism that incentivizes users to adopt and engage with their product. Not only do the users earn an APY on their vested tokens, but they also earn points in the ecosystem to get access to rewards, additional features and special benefits.

The journey from concept to launch was powered by our world-class Web3 dev team. Because of our experience launching dozens of tokens for the past 4 years, we understand how the market and investors behave. When there's thousands of other opportunities in crypto for ROI, projects need to prioritize their users interests to earn their loyalty - which means giving them an investment vehicle they are interested in and that fulfills their ROI objectives.

To accomplish this, we created a platform to stake their native token for APY and a reward system for the commmunity that yields passively while also rewarding users with non financial incentives, organically reducing sell pressure for the token and therefore giving the team stability to continue developing the ecosystem.

By working with some of the biggest names in the industry, we are the forefront of innovation, whether by co-creating it with our partners or by seeing them create successful initiatives. This led to us building a gamified points system that rewards the community for comiting liquidity and being engaged, which generates more awareness and feeds the flywheel effect that effectively drives user growth.